In January 2024, Interactive Brokers began its 47th year as a broker/dealer. We provide direct-access trade execution and clearing services to sophisticated investors, active traders and institutions and have a consolidated equity capital of $15,2 billion.1
Create technology to provide liquidity on better terms. Compete on price, speed, size, diversity of global products and advanced trading tools.
Interactive Brokers LLC is rated investment grade by Standard & Poor’s.
Now in its 47th year, Interactive Brokers is one of the premier securities firms, with $15,2 billion in equity capital.1
IBKR conducts its broker/dealer business on over 150 market destinations worldwide. In its broker dealer agency business, IBKR provides direct access (“online”) trade execution and clearing services to institutional and professional traders for a wide variety of electronically traded products including stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, gold, crypto* and funds worldwide. Interactive Brokers Group and its affiliates execute approximately 2 350 000 trades per day.1
In May 2023, Thomas Peterffy was the keynote speaker at the SIFMA meeting to commemorate the 50th anniversary of listed options trading. The speech chronicles his experiences in listed options trading and the founding of Timber Hill and Interactive Brokers. Read the Speech
Interactive Brokers is headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut and has 2 950+ employees in its offices in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Hungary, India, China (Hong Kong and Shanghai), Japan, Singapore, and Australia. IBKR est régulée par la SEC, la FINRA, la NYSE, la FSA ainsi qu'un certain nombre d'autres organismes de réglementation à travers le monde.
Thomas Peterffy (now Chairman of the Interactive Brokers (IBKR) Group) buys a seat on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and becomes a member, trading as an individual market maker in equity options.
T.P. & Co. passe à quatre employés, dont trois membres AMEX.
Efforts are made to code and test a system that identifies potential delta-neutral trade pairs. Notre plus grand défi : parvenir à lire les prix des options électroniquement au moment même de leur publication.
Timber Hill crée les premiers ordinateurs de poche dédiés au trading. Grâce à un suivi des positions qui permet une réévaluation constante des options sur une action, ces appareils donnent un avantage aux traders de Timber Hill vis-à-vis de leurs contreparties à la Bourse, qui continuent pour leur part d'utiliser les feuilles d'évaluation à la juste valeur imprimées une ou deux fois par jour seulement.
Timber Hill commence à négocier sur la Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
Timber Hill s'étend à douze employés.
En février, le nouveau système informatique en réseau de Timber Hill est mis en ligne, ce qui marque l'entrée dans la nouvelle ère du trading informatisé. Avec ce système, Timber Hill procède en central à l'évaluation des prix et à la gestion des risques sur un portefeuille de dérivés sur actions tradées de part et d'autre du pays.
Nous installons de nombreux écrans d'ordinateur sur le floor à des endroits stratégiques. Ils sont connectés aux systèmes informatiques de nos bureaux. The screens include color-coded strips so traders can easily see the firm's bids and offers. The screens also take touch input so that completed trades can be entered.
Timber Hill devient membre de la New York Futures Exchange.
Timber Hill commence à trader sur la Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), sur le Chicago Board of Trade et sur le Chicago Board Options Exchange.
Timber Hill prend désormais en charge le clearing des titres en rejoignant la National Securities Clearing Corp et la Depository Trust Company.
The stock market crash creates the impetus for cross-margining between clearing houses with Timber Hill as a major proponent, as Peterffy is a member of the Board of the Options Clearing Corporation. Les appels de marge croisés ne sont mis en place que plusieurs années plus tard.
Timber Hill expands to 67 employees, most of them on exchange floors, trading with color-striped screens.
Timber Hill establishes a fully automated trading system where its computers trade directly with NASDAQ's Central Matching computer without any human intervention other than NASDAQ traders and brokers. Le premier trader automatisé de Wall Street. When NASDAQ orders Timber Hill to operate through the keyboard, Timber Hill builds a computer-driven mechanical system that punches keys on the keyboard.
The first electronic options exchange in history opens in Germany.
Timber Hill agrees to make a continuous market on options in return for permission to communicate with the exchange electronically. Timber Hill connects its automated market making system, but though the exchange begins sending trade confirmations to a screen, it does not agree to digital.
Timber Hill doit construire un objectif photo et un système de reconnaissance optique pour comprendre les transactions.
Timber Hill Deutschland GmbH is incorporated in Germany. Shortly thereafter, the firm begins trading equity derivatives at the Deutsche Terminborse (DTB) (now Eurex). This is the first application of Timber Hill’s trading system on a fully-automated exchange.
Timber Hill becomes one of the leading market makers at the DTB, with more than 10% of the trading volume.
Timber Hill Europe AG est établie en Suisse et prend en charge les activités de trading du groupe à la SOFFEX.
In the United States, Timber Hill floor traders begin using commercially available handheld computers on exchange floors, communicating by radio with the firm's Central pricing system. The handheld computers allow traders to create electronic trade tickets.
The CME grants the firm’s floor traders permission to use handheld computers in the trading pit, connected by radio waves. Timber Hill’s clients can now INTERACT with the world through the pit, its traders and its screens.
Interactive Brokers Inc., (now known as IB LLC) is incorporated as a US broker-dealer. Timber Hill's vast intercontinental electronic network and trade execution services are now available to clients.
Timber Hill France S.A. est mise en place et commence ses activités de teneur de marché sur le Marché d'option négociables de Paris (MONEP) et sur le Marché à terme international de France (MATIF).
Timber Hill Hong Kong commence ses activités de teneur de marché sur le Hong Kong Futures Exchange.
Timber Hill Europe étend ses activités au Mercato Italiano Futures en Italie et à la Meff Renta Variable en Espagne.
IB LLC creates a workstation through which professional clients gain access to exchanges around the world.
IB LLC executes its first trades for public clients.
Le Hong Kong Futures Exchange cote les contrats à terme sur indices d'actions sur une place de marché électronique. Timber Hill Hong Kong le seul teneur de marché investi.
Timber Hill Australia Pty Limited est fondée en Australie.
Timber Hill Europe commence à trader en Norvège et devient également membre de l'Austrian Derivatives Exchange.
With continuous electronic liquidity provided by Timber Hill, the S&P 500 E-Mini futures becomes the first US electronic market and the most successful electronic futures contract ever introduced.
Timber Hill Group met au point des bids et des offres pour plus de 60,000 produits.
Timber Hill trades nearly 5% (15,000 transactions) of the daily volume in listed equity derivatives worldwide. The firm expands to 284 employees.
IBKR provides "smart routing" linkage for multiple listed equity options.
IBKR begins to clear online trades for clients who trade stocks and equity derivatives through the IB system.
IBKR becomes the first firm to offer online, direct-access brokerage services in Hong Kong to the HKFE.
The Timber Hill Group LLC devient Interactive Brokers Group LLC.
The group's combined electronic brokerage and market making volume now exceeds 200,000 trades per day.
Standard & Poor's accorde la mention Investissement à Timber Hill LLC. Pour plus d'informations sur Standard & Poor's, rendez-vous sur le site
The Interactive Brokers Group companies transact approximately 12% of the exchange-listed equity and index options worldwide.
Interactive Brokers étend ses services d'exécution et de clearing aux actions, options sur titres et indices et contrats à terme canadiens, aux options sur indices et contrats à terme italiens, aux options sur titres allemandes, aux options sur titres et contrats à terme japonais, aux options sur indices et contrats à terme néerlandais, aux options sur titres britanniques et enfin aux options sur indices et contrats à terme belges.
Barron's names IBKR the #1 software-based broker overall and #1 for lowest trade cost.
Institutional Investor ranks IBG as the 16th largest US securities firm.
The Interactive Brokers Group companies execute over 16% of the world's options in markets where they actively trade.
IDEALPRO is launched, providing traders with tight forex quotes from multiple bank dealers in a single quote montage.
Le 3 mai, Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. sells 40,000,000 shares in a public offering at $30.01 per share. Le flottant représente approximativement 10 % de la participation au capital d'Interactive Brokers Group LLC. Members of the firm have the right to sell an additional 12.5% interest to the public in each of the following seven years. Please refer to the chart at the bottom of the page for the firm’s new ownership structure.
A real-time portfolio margin platform is introduced, allowing clients trading multiple asset classes to increase their leverage with greater safety.
Exchange for Physicals (EFP) are launched, providing clients with a market-determined, AAA-rated financing alternative to randomly set broker rates.
According to Barron's Magazine, Interactive Brokers maintains its position as "the least expensive trading venue for investors" and holds its ranking as the #1 Lowest Cost Broker for the fifth straight year.
The free iTWS trading app for the iPhoneTM is launched for clients. It also offers free utilities to non-clients, including real-time forex quotes, email price alerts and exchange-delayed market data, charts and scanners.
Interactive Brokers releases PortfolioAnalyst, an online tool that allows investors to evaluate the performance of their portfolios against over 80 popular benchmarks.
Interactive Brokers offers electronic market access via TWS to AQS®, the first automated, centrally- cleared electronic marketplace for Stock Borrow and Loan transactions.
Interactive Brokers now supports trading on over 80 different venues, including the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) for both India residents and Non-Resident Indians (NRIs).
Les programmes IBIS, Recherche de capital pour les hedge funds, Amélioration du rendement des actions et mobileTWS pour iPad voient le jour.
Interactive Brokers becomes the largest online US broker as measured by Daily Average Revenue Trades Reported.
IBKR's Hedge Fund Capital Introduction ramps up with 60% of funds receiving at least one investment. For the year, funds report a 20%.** average rate of return.
IBKR releases the Probability Lab options trading tool in TWS, providing a revolutionary and practical way to think about options without complicated mathematics.
IBKR intègre les notifications automatiques du portefeuille IB INFOS dans la TWS, qui fournissent un accompagnement en informant l'utilisateur sur la disponibilité d'actions à l'emprunt ou l'opportunité d'exercer des options.
IBKR launches the Traders' Insight, providing market insight directly from global market participants to the trading and investing public.
For the second year in a row Barron's ranks IBKR Best Online Broker Overall in its annual Best Online Brokers review.
IBKR launches Investors' Marketplace, an online service where traders, investors, advisors, fund managers, research analysts, technology providers, business developers and administrators can meet and do business together.
IBKR introduces additional resources for advisors, including CRM (Client Relationship Management), a fully-integrated system where advisors manage the entire client relationship life cycle in one place, and the RIA Compliance Center, a resource for advisors starting and registering their own advisory firms.
For the fourth year in a row Barron's ranks IBKR Best Online Broker Overall in its annual Best Online Brokers review.
IBKR acquiert Covestor, une société basée à Boston offrant à la fois un carrefour d'investissement et une gestion d'actifs en ligne.
IBKR lance l'outil de trading Portfolio Builder dans TWS qui permet aux traders de créer une stratégie d'investissement s'appuyant sur des fondamentaux et données de recherche de premier plan, puis de les tester et de les ajuster si nécessaire.
IBKR lance la carte de débit Mastercard Interactive Brokers qui permet aux titulaires de la carte de dépenser et d'emprunter directement sur leur compte Interactive Brokers.
IBKR is among the first brokers to offer client access to Bitcoin futures trading on the Cboe Futures Exchange (CFE) and the CME.
IBKR introduces a new Order Management System (OMS) for Institutional clients at a groundbreaking low cost of $100 per seat per month.
Milan Galik est nommé Président Directeur Général d'Interactive Brokers Group, succédant au fondateur Thomas Peterffy. M. Peterffy reste président du Conseil d'administration.
IBKR est encore une fois classé n°1 - Meilleur courtier en ligne par Barron's 2019.
Interactive Brokers lance IBKR Lite, un nouveau service proposant des transactions sans commissions sur les actions et ETF cotés en Bourse aux États-Unis.
IBKR ajoute la Bourse de Tel Aviv (TASE) et de Moscou (MOEX) à son offre
IBKR broadens access to more expensive stocks and facilitates portfolio diversification by offering Fractional Share Trading and Cash Quantity stock orders.
IBKR introduces cryptocurrency trading through Paxos Trust Company.
IBKR lance le trading d'or au comptant US, permettant aux clients de trader des montants commençant à une once, ainsi que d'autres catégories d'actifs, depuis leur compte IBKR.
IBKR launches IMPACT, a patent-pending mobile trading application that helps investors align their investments with their values.
IBKR releases GlobalAnalyst, an online tool that helps investors find undervalued companies that may have greater growth potential.
La Mastercard prépayée Interactive Brokers est lancée pour les clients canadiens.
Interactive Brokers surpasses 2.5 million accounts
Preqin named IBKR the #5 prime broker overall for hedge funds
Expanded US Overnight Trading to over 10,000 US stocks and ETFs, enabling clients to trade US equities nearly 24 hours a day, five days per week
Introduced IBUSOPT, a new US equity and index options order destination
Added access to the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Copenhagen and the Prague Stock Exchange
T.P. & Co. est créée, afin d'étendre les activités de trading sous la licence n° 549 à plusieurs membres. The firm is the first to use computer-generated fair value sheets printed daily.
Plans are made to restructure T.P. & Co.’s operation and to identify price anomalies in several securities at the same time.
Timber Hill Inc. est créée. Au départ, la société est spécialisée dans le trading d'options sur titres à l'AMEX et fait appel aux services de Spear, Leeds & Kellogg pour le clearing. Les traders reçoivent des consignes par téléphone pour identifier les paires et les cours.
Timber Hill commence à coder un système informatisé de trading d'options et de contrats à terme sur indices d'actions.
Timber Hill devient membre de The Options Clearing Corporation.
Timber Hill devient membre de la Pacific Stock Exchange et du département Options de la New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Timber Hill’s trading software is rewritten to run on SUN workstations, hugely increasing processing speed. Cette année-là, les traders de l'entreprise génèrent un retour sur fonds propres de 430 % avec le nouveau système.
Timber Hill devient membre compensateur à la CME.
Timber Hill expands European trading to the Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange (SOFFEX), another fully automated exchange.
Timber Hill passe à 142 employés.
Timber Hill Europe commence à négocier sur la European Options Exchange aux Pays-Bas, sur la place boursière électronique OM Exchange en Suède et sur la London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) au Royaume-Uni.
Timber Hill Deutschland devient membre de la place boursière électronique Belgian Futures and Options Exchange.
IB LLC devient membre de la NYSE et commence à exécuter des ordres sur actions via le système électronique de routage d'ordres SuperDot.
IB LLC is regularly named one of NYSE’s top ten program traders.
Timber Hill UK Limited est fondée. Peu de temps après, cette nouvelle entité prend en charge les activités de négociation de Timber Hill sur le LIFFE.
Timber Hill Hong Kong Limited est fondée.
Timber Hill Group LLC est mis en place en tant que société de holding pour toutes les filiales Timber Hill.
Timber Hill double le nombre d'actions sous-jacentes négociées et trade désormais plus de 800 titres différents.
Timber Hill Securities Hong Kong Limited est fondée et commence à négocier à la Bourse de Hong Kong.
Timber Hill secures permission to hang large electronic screens showing the firm’s option quotes on the floor of the CBOE, in exchange for providing continuous, minimum-guaranteed liquidity.
IB LLC begins to clear online trades of S&P futures for retail clients connected directly to Globex.
Timber Hill Canada Company est établie.
En moyenne, plus de 6 % du volume total journalier des options sur titres et contrats à terme négociés en Bourse sont tradés via le réseau Timber Hill/IB.
In the course of the year, IB LLC's client base increases by nearly 500%.
Timber Hill devient teneur de marché principal sur l'ISE (International Securities Exchange), le premier marché d'options entièrement électronique aux États-Unis. Timber Hill garantit une liquidité électronique continue et atteint plus de 50 % du volume sur la bourse. La bourse électronique dont tout le monde disait qu'elle échouerait aux États-Unis est un succès spectaculaire.
Interactive Brokers Limited (U.K.) is formed.
Interactive Brokers (IBKR), the Bourse de Montreal and the Boston Stock Exchange announce the formation of a partnership to create the Boston Options Exchange (BOX).
Timber Hill se lance dans l'animation de marché électronique au Japon.
Interactive Brokers provides clients with an Integrated Investment Management Account that allows trading of stocks, options, futures and exchange-traded funds around the world from a single account.
Interactive Brokers allows Financial Advisors to open Separately Managed Accounts to manage money for multiple clients.
Application Program Interface (API) introduced, giving clients and third-party developers the ability to directly integrate with the IBKR trading system.
MobileTrader launched, giving IBKR clients the ability to trade anywhere.
Timber Hill devient le plus grand teneur de marché pour les SSF récemment introduits aux États-Unis.
Interactive Brokers introduit le trading d'obligations en accès direct, de FOREX institutionnel, de contrats à terme de Singapour, de warrants allemands, d'actions et options françaises et néerlandaises, de contrats à terme disponibles sur la CBOE et sur les Bourses de Francfort et de Stuttgart. Our Intermarket Spread Router searches across all exchanges for the best price on each leg of a spread order. IBKR upgrades its account management platform to include a new release of Trader Workstation, real-time charts, scanners, fundamental analytics, BookTrader, OptionTrader and advisor account allocations.
Standard & Poor's accorde la mention Investissement à Interactive Brokers Group LLC. For more information on Standard & Poor's, visit:
The IB Options Intelligence Report is launched to focus investors' attention on unusual concentrations of trading interests and changing levels of uncertainty in the options markets.
The Interactive Brokers Group takes stakes in OneChicago, the ISE Stock Exchange and the CBOE Stock Exchange in its efforts to further innovation in the trading industry.
Interactive Brokers prend une longueur d'avance sur le reste du secteur en étant la première à offrir des « Penny-priced options » (PPO).
The IB Risk NavigatorSM is launched, a real-time market risk management platform for clients that provides unified risk data across multiple asset classes around the globe.
Interactive Brokers adds Mexican stocks/options/futures, Spanish stocks, US Treasury bonds/bills/notes, and US no load mutual funds to its suite of trading products.
A complete family of trading algorithms is introduced to the Trader Workstation, including the Accumulate-Distribute Algo, an industry first that allows traders to take advantage of a temporary lack of liquidity.
Enhanced support for bond trading is added to Trader Workstation, including a more powerful US Corporate Bonds scanner and support for trading municipal bonds.
IB LLC is awarded a stand-alone rating of "A-/A-2; Outlook Stable" by Standard and Poor's based on its solid financial profile.
Les statistiques 2010 de TAG montrent qu'IBKR continue d'enregistrer des performances supérieures au secteur dans l'amélioration des prix d'options et d'actions US.
Interactive Brokers pays a special cash dividend of $1.79 per share, amounting to approximately $1 billion pretax, and still has consolidated equity capital in excess of $4 billion.
Interactive Brokers pays a special cash dividend of $1.00 per share, amounting to approximately $409 million pretax, and still has consolidated equity capital in excess of $4 billion.
IBKR begins offering wealth manager and money manager advisor accounts and opens the fully- electronic Money Manager Marketplace.
IBKR launches the TWS Mosaic trading interface and Tax Optimizer for managing capital gains/losses.
IBKR takes first place in Barron's annual Best Online Brokers review, receiving four-and-a-half out of five stars as the Best Online Broker overall.
IBKR begins publishing "Simple Monthly Cost of Execution" data and comparing the firm’s all-in execution cost to the daily VWAP value for all client executions. The company encourages the SEC to consider requiring all broker-dealers conducting client business to supplement their existing Rule 606 routing reports with these simple monthly statistics.
IBKR introduces the Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) reporting tool to help clients evaluate execution performance and optimize execution strategies.
For the third year in a row, IBKR is ranked number one and named Best Online Broker overall in Barron's annual Best Online Brokers review.
IBKR participe désormais au tout nouveau programme Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, qui autorise la clientèle de Hong Kong et de l'international à trader certaines valeurs sur le Shanghai Stock Exchange.
IBKR présente Greenwich Advisor Compliance Services Corp. (Greenwich Compliance), a new resource that helps experienced investors and traders looking to start their own investment advisory firms meet their registration and compliance needs.
IBKR lance IBot, une interface textuelle acceptant des commandes communiquées en anglais dans un langage simple. La réponse, les données ou l'action demandées sont fournies rapidement, permettant aux traders de réaliser toutes leurs tâches liées au trading depuis un seul endroit.
IBKR becomes an exchange participant in the groundbreaking Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program, allowing its clients around the world to trade designated securities on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Once again, IBKR is named Best Online Broker in Barron's annual Best Online Brokers review.
IBKR launches Client Portal, a simple web-based experience that gives clients single-login access to trading, managing and monitoring IBKR Accounts.
IBKR introduces bill pay and direct deposit in the US. Clients can make electronic payments and issue checks to almost any company or individual in the United States, and receive automatic deposits from third parties.
IBKR crée un trading desk dédié aux obligations d'entreprise afin de faciliter les transactions portant sur de plus grandes quantités d'obligations américaines et européennes lorsque la liquidité électronique est insuffisante.
Interactive Brokers surpasses one million client accounts.
Le développement mondial se poursuit avec des nouveaux bureaux IBKR à Singapour, en Irlande et en Hongrie.
Le Carrefour des obligations est lancé pour permettre aux investisseurs de trouver les meilleurs tarifs parmi une large gamme de produits à revenu fixe.
Mutual Fund marketplace is launched, providing access to more than 37,000 funds globally including more than 34,000 no load funds from over 380 fund families.
Impact Dashboard is introduced to help clients interested in sustainable investing align their investments with their values.
IBKR engage 5 millions d'USD pour aider dans la lutte contre le Covid-19 aux États-Unis
Interactive Brokers surpasses two million accounts.
Overnight Trading Hours on the IBKR Eos ATS ("IBEOS") launched, enabling clients to trade select US ETFs 23.5 hours a day, five days a week.
IBKR EventTrader, a web platform that lets investors use event contracts to trade binary options in key markets, is introduced.
IBKR GlobalTrader, a simple mobile trading application for investors to trade stocks worldwide, is released.
* L'exécution de transactions et la garde de cryptomonnaie sont fournies par Paxos Trust Company aux clients Interactive Brokers LLC éligibles.
*Le nombre de 60 % inclut tous les fonds participant au programme depuis au moins trois mois au 1er janvier 2014.