You can now invest in Mutual Funds through Model Portfolios. Note that because Mutual Funds trade only once/day when the market closes, the number of shares and cash value update differently from other assets.
You can add funds to an existing model, or create a new model to invest in the fund. To add Mutual Funds to an existing model, in the Rebalance window use the Rebalance to Target feature. For a new model, use the Reallocation feature that you can open from the Portfolio page.
Note that due to the way in which Mutual Funds trade, updates to Position and Cash Value work differently. Because it takes time for MFs to execute as they only trade once per day after market close, when trades are submitted the market value is reduced by the amount of the order, because at that point there are no shares (position shows 0). Once the order executes and the position is updated, Market Value also updates to include the value of the shares.
This release includes: